Taking your photos can be dreadful, especially when you are solo. I know, I don’t deny it! But I am here to tell you it can be fun – you can look and feel comfortable and confident. Sometimes it may take a few minutes to warm up, but that’s what I am here for to help you and guide you along the way so you have images that look like a bold and confident you!

Here are a few ways you can feel more confident in your next photoshoot!
Trust your photographer. This is first and foremost. You must like and trust that your photographer will guide you and direct you (even when they are asking absurd things) to look and feel your best. Not too posed, not too awkward, but beautiful, confident and comfortable! Don’t be afraid to share what your insecurities are with your photographer. This will help the photographer be mindful of getting your best images.

Look Good, Feel Good!
Pamper yourself before hand. Get your hair and makeup done or your nails done. Don’t go all glam! You can still be natural and look like yourself, but the pampering will help relax you and make you feel good.
Wear clothing that is comfortable and YOU think is cute!
While there are suggestions on what to wear for your photos, ultimately you want to be comfortable and look like you! This will help you feel confident and at ease.

Music My Friends!
You know it, bring on the jams with a killer playlist. A good playlist will set your vibe, tone and help you relax. If you’re vibing to the song, you know you won’t be able to help getting into the groove. You know that feeling when you driving and sitting in traffic on the 405, but your fav jam comes on and you start dancing (or at least your mood starts to shift)!?! That’s the perfect energy for your shoot!
Shoot List and Moodboard
If you and your photographer are prepared and have chatted in detail about what to wear, poses to get and your overall photo needs, the day will be easy and smooth. When your shoot is well planned out, all you have to focus on is your smile!

Have Fun
Let’s be honest have fun no matter what is happening! Glitches happen, things are forgotten – sometimes whole outfits. But make the most of it, move on and have fun! Dance around, laugh, make conversation. Enjoy the session and your time hanging with your photographer and showing off your best self!
Learn more about branding shoots with me and book a session in our upcoming Content Day!