Creative Floral Newborn Baby Girl Session

January 21, 2021

Newborn Photo Session: What better way to kick it off this year than with a fresh new beginning, like this sweet newborn session.


Working with my clients to help elevate their brand to the next level is one of my favorite moments in being a photographer. To allow them to feel confident in themself, their brand, and the future of their business. Your branding photos help speak to who you and your brand are!


January 14, 2021

Branding with Encelia

Top Malibu Family Portrait and Engagement Locations

November 4, 2020

Our favorite recommendations for your Malibu family portrait and engagement locations!


Our favorite recommendations for your South Bay family portrait and engagement locations!


November 2, 2020

Top South Bay Family Portrait and Engagement Location

Top Orange County Family Portrait and Engagement Locations

October 30, 2020

Our favorite recommendations for your Orange County family portrait and engagement locations!


Our favorite recommendations for your Los Angeles family portrait and engagement locations!


October 28, 2020

Top Los Angeles Family Portrait Location

Family Portrait and Engagement 2020 Outfit Color Palette

October 21, 2020

2020 Color Palette
Looking for the perfect color combination for your family portraits! We got you covered with our 2020 color palette to help make your holiday outfits shopping easier. Everything from monochrome to the classics and a modern take on autumn. Rust, Autumn, neutral, jewel, soft, monochrome, blue, grey, and black color palette’s!


This fun- loving, playful family beach holiday portrait. Moms, I know your family isn’t perfect and your kids, are well, going to be kids and that’s ok. We love the moments in-between, the pouty faces, the cries. we also capture those genuine real giddy smiles as your kids chase each other around and have fun jumping all over you! And, yes we also capture your family holiday card photo so you can share with all your friends and family those brief joyful moments where everyone is happy and smiling.


September 22, 2020

Does Your Family Do This?

2020 holiday sessions

September 8, 2020

HOLIDAY SESSIONS: 2020 has been an interesting year to say the least! The one thing I have found to have an impact in my life and a way to give back is family portrait sessions. Seeing the joy come out of these families during these brief sessions is what has helped me get through the difficult days. We are announcing our Holiday Mini Sessions and sharing some fun holiday ideas for your family.


8 ways to turn your portrait session into a fun family activity guaranteed to bring smiles to everyone’s face! We are all stuck at home this summer (and now most likely fall) and I know that sounds like a huge bummer. I am here to tell you you can still have fun, and even better […]


July 20, 2020

Fun Family Activities for COVID Summer Sessions

Now Offering Quarantine Home Sessions

May 26, 2020

Front Porch Sessions – 15-20 minute documentary portraits from your front door, porch, steps, lawn or window. This is your chance to be creative, fun and a reminder of how times were as we all stayed “safer at home”. Wanna dress up and apply make-up for the first time in 2 months? Go for it! Want to document your sweatpant, lounge, no shower, work-from-home living, let’s do it! It’s a time to have fun and capture this moment in history!


Quarantine IRL – No matter what is happening around us, we will always be a family, and we always have fun when we’re together. It brings me so much peace to know that our kids are resilient and still able to experience joy even in uncertain times.


May 13, 2020

Quarantine IRL – Real Talk XI

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