Hey there, Parents! Are you stressed about your upcoming family photo session? Worried about whether your little ones will behave or if you’ll have to play referee the whole time? Don’t fret – we can prepare the kids! As a professional photographer with years of experience, I’ve seen it all, and I promise to make your session a breeze. I’ve even mastered the art of bribery with snacks and silly faces (yes, I’ve made a fool of myself in public, but it’s all in the name of great photos!).

So, leave the worries to me and let’s create some epic family memories together. Your unique love and personalities are what make your family special, and I’m here to capture it all with a sprinkle of laughter and a dash of fun. Trust in my expertise and let’s make magic happen!

We want you to have a fun, relaxing, stress-free session. You can do that by leaving all the details to us! Our goal is to capture your family – whether it’s the two of you or your growing family of 4 or you and your fur babies! We do this in a fun and relaxing way that allows us to capture your genuine personalities with love and laughter.
From bribing kids with lollipops to playing peekaboo behind the camera, I’ve got tricks up my sleeve to capture those genuine smiles. I know the chaos that can come with a family photo session, so I’m here to handle it all. Just leave it to me, and I’ll work my magic to create a fun, relaxed, and memorable experience for your family.
So, take a deep breath, relax, and let’s capture some amazing memories together. Can’t wait to meet your little ones and create some picture-perfect moments!

Communicate with Your Kids
Talk to your kids in advance about the upcoming photo session and explain that it will be a fun time to play and interact with the photographer. Emphasize that they can be themselves and enjoy the experience.
Show your kids some of my images on my website or social media, and even show them a photo of me! This can help them become familiar and see that other kids have had a great time during their sessions.

Keep it Positive and Relaxed
Avoid putting pressure on your kids to perform or behave perfectly during the session. Let them know that it’s okay to be a little silly and have fun.
Your kids or husband may be driving you up the wall while you’re getting ready and rushing out the door for your session. Stay focused and don’t let it get to you. Do your best to keep everyone calm, cool, and collected … including yourself. If you need a moment to relax – even just 30 seconds alone to regain your sanity – just take it. Nothing is worse than showing up to a session trying to capture the love between you and your family, but you just got in an argument. Even worse? Trying to get the kids to listen, but one of them goes into full-on meltdown. You’ve got this!
Bring Comfort Items
If your kids have favorite toys or comfort items, consider bringing them along to the session. These items can help them feel more at ease and relaxed.

Timing Is Key & Bring the Snacks!
It’s a fine line between picking the perfect time for gorgeous natural light and that time when your little ones are going to be in their best mood. Communicate with your photographer if you have specific time frames you’d like to work with.
Get a good nights sleep. Try to get everyone to take a nap if you’ve got a late afternoon or early evening session. Eat a light snack before your session. Yes, I know that you are trying to fit into that stunning dress, but hearing your tummy grumble during a session will for sure be a distraction. And we all know how testy a hangry toddler or husband can be! If possible, it is also best to plan the session time around nap time, not during. That way you are not changing your child’s schedule, but just adding an activity in for them! You want to set them, and yourself, up for success – but if there are still tears, we will still work to get some great shots.

Dress Comfortably
Choose clothing that your kids feel comfortable in and allows them to move freely. Avoid outfits that may cause discomfort or restrict their movements.
Incorporate Fun Activities
During the session, encourage your kids to engage in fun activities like playing games, dancing, or telling jokes. This can bring out their natural smiles and expressions.
Today is supposed to be a peaceful day! Bonus tip: bring a little something to keep the kids entertained and focused … a favorite toy (or even a new one), music, snacks … candy is my go-to favorite! Of course, I don’t have to go home with them, though – lol! It is also recommended to bring snacks and bites that are non-staining and non-melting – you’ll thank me in advance!

Trust Your Photographer
Not all photographers are the right photographer for you. The most important step in the process to finding a photographer is finding one that you connect with and feel comfortable around. A photographer that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable and confident. Plus, one that works well with your kids is a must!
Remind your kids that I am here to capture their unique personalities, and they can trust me to make them look great in the photos.
Relax & Enjoy the Moment
The most important tip we can offer you is this: have fun and let loose. Allow yourself to laugh, enjoy the silly moments, whatever it takes for your session to be fun. Let your inner child run free, and of course let the kids be kids. Let them be who they are, crazy wild and all! It’s about capturing the precious moments and a genuine reflection of your family. Look at your session as an adventure, a date night or an enjoyable excursion with the family. You’ll be happy when you see images that tell the truth about who you are as a family!

I’d love to work with you to update your family photos and get some new shots for you holiday cards! We are currently booking for this holiday season with our mini and full sessions. You can learn more about both session types here. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!