Newborn Session with Siblings!


June 16, 2022

Sometimes older siblings just don’t want to cooperate and that’s okay! We will still capture wonderful images of your family, and the star of the show, the newborn!

Baby Drew was 7 days old at the time of our shoot. Can you believe that she slept the entire time?! We even had to wake her to feed her. That’s unheard of. Big bro was proud, but not so photogenic and didn’t want to be near baby. Sometimes that happens when they are around the toddler age (he was 2!) and when they have been told to be gentle and not touch. Now we are asking them to do the opposite and to fully embrace and snuggle and they get a little confused. But, that’s okay, we still get some great family shots and later down the line maybe for the 1-year session some adorable sibling photos.

The secret to this session to be honest was the families baby nurse. She was an amazing help for mom and dad, as well as me! Who knew, lol. She was there to solely help and focus on baby and she was amazing. If you can swing it, I highly recommend a nurse to help with the first 1-2 weeks.

Not just for the photos of course, but I could see a huge difference in how he parents felt and handled adjusting to a new baby. It’s a luxury that is worth it, and I have noticed it to be a huge relief for the parents that do bring on a nurse for 1-2 weeks. They book up fast and are highly sought after, so if you need some recommendations, I’m happy to connect you with a few I have run across in my newborn sessions.

If you are looking to schedule a newborn session, the best is to schedule me in advance of baby being born! In fact, I highly recommend doing that to make sure that I will be available. I will block out some time around when baby will be born based on their due date and make sure that it happens for you! Inquire here for more, I can’t wait to capture pictures of your new loved one!


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