National Business Women’s Week


October 14, 2024

As National Business Women’s Week kicks off, I can’t help but reflect on the power, creativity, and resilience of the women that I’ve had the honor of photographing and working with. Whether you’re leading a company, managing a team, or running your business solo, the challenges and triumphs we face as women in business are not only unique, they’re worth celebrating.

I’ve been incredibly lucky to capture so many inspiring women in business as they break barriers and build successful brands that truly reflect who they are. This week, I’m raising a glass to all the women entrepreneurs out there. You are the inspiration of this week!

Leadership With Heart

Leadership isn’t just about holding a title or running a business. For women, leadership often means leading with empathy, creativity, and unwavering strength. In every shoot, I see it in action, the women I photograph aren’t just business owners. They’re visionaries, mentors, and change-makers. They are blending success with purpose, leading their businesses while nurturing their communities. It’s truly inspiring to witness firsthand how women are shaping the future by creating brands that reflect both their passion and compassion.

For me, leading with heart has always been about building relationships, not just taking photos. Early on in my career, I realized that my true success would come from genuinely connecting with my clients. Understanding their vision, and creating a space where they felt seen and celebrated. It’s those moments, behind the camera and in conversation, where I’ve learned the power of leading with empathy and sharing my authentic self. It’s not just about creating beautiful images; it’s about building trust and confidence through every interaction and being genuine.

Building an Authentic Brand: Your Story Matters

Your brand is so much more than a logo or tagline, it’s an extension of you. What I’ve learned from working with countless women in business is that authenticity is what makes a brand thrive. Women entrepreneurs have this incredible way of weaving their personal stories into their businesses, creating a deep connection with their clients and customers.

Whether you’re a coach, creative, or service provider, remember that your authenticity is your greatest strength. People are drawn to your story, your journey, and the passion that drives you. When I capture brand photography, my goal is always to tell the real story of the woman behind the business, to showcase her values, vision, and the unique journey she’s on. That’s what sets you apart, and it’s what makes your brand unforgettable. My passion is to bring your story to life in visual way, with strategy and creativity.

Owning Your Success

We all know the truth, being a woman in business isn’t always easy. From juggling personal responsibilities to facing biases, the road can be rocky. But the women I work with prove that resilience and determination will lead to extraordinary success. Did you know when I first started in photography it was male driven photographers? I was one of a handful and I had to fight with passion and determination to become a lead photographer, now the photography industry is growing with leading women.

This week is your reminder to own your success unapologetically. Pause and take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come, the obstacles you’ve overcome, and the milestones you’ve reached. It’s so easy to downplay our accomplishments, but not this week. This week, stand tall and celebrate your impact, your growth, and your wins.

Supporting Other Women in Business

One of the most beautiful things about being a woman in business is the undeniable connection and support we extend to each other. Whether it’s through mentorships, collaborations, or simply sharing someone’s work on social media, we lift each other up. I’ve been fortunate to be part of such empowering communities, and recently, I’ve had the honor of starting my own women entrepreneurs group.

This week, I invite you to think about how you can support other women in business. Whether it’s sending a referral, collaborating on a project, or simply cheering them on from the sidelines—every gesture counts. Let’s keep building this network of strong, empowered women. And if you’re looking for a community to grow and share with, join us at our next women entrepreneurs meeting—the first Monday of every month.

Cheers to us ladies!


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