I often used to tell my husband, “I wish my images were better… I wish my business *fill in the ‘better’ blank*“. Then, he would look at my images and says they are great, but my reaction would be “yeah, but….”. We all do it, but the key is to be proud of what you have done (remember your clients will be happy so long as you have set and met their expectations and haven’t promised on something you can’t deliver).

Then reflect on how you could improve for the next session, watch YouTube videos, other photographers etc, whatever will help you improve. Even your own positive critique. I actually now look forward to my next sessions to see how much I can implement and change to improve and get my images one step closer to what I truly want them to be. And some sessions just suck, lol. Truth be told. But, don’t get down on yourself, it was a learning experience and next time you won’t make that same mistake.
Need a 1:1 positive image or portfolio critique? Email me and let’s do a session critique.