When planning out a lifestyle branding session, not only do I help plan your outfits and shot list, but we create a plan for the stories that we need to capture to show your brand story.

We used that goal to create a plan for 4 stories to capture, along with images of her new facial treatment space, and headshots. You might know by now, but I love to up the headshot game and get the details, process and the ‘why’ behind you and your brand. We dove into her personality traits, brand message and business goals to create our story lines to visually connect with her ideal customers. Sandy’s most important goal was to show her clients how welcoming, inviting, clean and relaxing it is!
Story 1 : Office Space
We wanted to make sure to get all angles and details of the spaces, but then I also had Sandy walk through it as if she was prepping, and even working on a client. We wanted to make sure she had some fun images to showcase her creative process, the behind the scenes, and what was involved when you came to visit Sandy for a facial. It was important to now just show what the space visually looked like, but the experience you received when you visited as well!

“I wanted to create a space where those people can feel comfortable and safe. I plan to run my business with pure empathy. The skincare industry in the States right now is really emphasizing quick, invasive, “result-based” treatment while parts of Europe and Asia especially approaches skincare with more emotion and care. I, myself, have recently transformed my skincare “routine” into a “ritual” which I think results in more consistency and sustainability. In the esthetics textbook, it lists “relaxation and stress relief” as one of the top reasons to get a facial, but I feel like most providers nowadays have ignored this part completely so I want to bring it back to basics while still achieving results.”
Story 2 : Working in the Office Space
Since Sandy also works from home to prepare for her clients and build her brand, that’s where we went next and created the working environment with touches of her fun personality, like her dog, her love for Disney.

Story 3 : Lifestyle Shots at Home
Being an extreme introvert and having clients who are the same, I wanted to make sure we took her lifestyle images in an place where her personality would shine! We included her dog again, her love of reading and growing her business. This allowed us to showcase how she herself relaxes and enjoys life, like showing books she read. Sandy agreed with this choice of location, being in your element can make a shoot even more enjoyable: “I did love the bit at my house because I was the most comfortable there.”

Story 4 : Celebration Launch
Something that I choose to include in every branding session is a celebration. There is always a reason to celebrate! In Sandy’s case it was her brand new business that was just starting out and her new website launch, but sometimes it could be those small goals you met, a new client, reaching so many followers – lets’ be honest, there are a million little things I can think of to celebrate. For example, surprise!!! Sandy was also celebrating her 40th! Celebrating 40 in the middle of a pandemic was a real bummer! But look how much fun Sandy had with her little cake! Isn’t she adorable.

Are you ready for your lifestyle branding session? Let’s chat and discover what YOUR brand stories would be! I can’t wait to plan it all out with you!