Helping this fabulous organizer feel confident and comfortable during her branding shoot

Sometimes we meet someone who has been photographed previously and didn’t feel comfortable during their shoot. This resulted in them not liking any of the images. When someone tells us that, we know it is our job to help you feel your best and most confident self for your next photoshoot.
Take this organizer, Elsa of Composed Living, for example. I met her in one of my women’s business groups and learned that she needed content for her new website. She is the owner and mastermind behind Composed Living, a company that helps you declutter, organize, and even helps with packing if you’re moving. I am a huge fan of organization and decluttering, so I was beyond excited when we decided to work together!
She showed me all of her organized spaces from her pantry (love me a good styled pantry) to closets and I even found out about a new trick for hanging frames! Before our session, her website was full of stock images and none of them her of herself. This was partly due to the fact that she wasn’t thrilled about having her picture taken, since she had a bad experience previously. If you were to head over to her site now though, you would see it is full of beautiful images, and she is present in many of them! The majority of her site is now personal brand images we created together instead of stock images.
Another thing holding her back previously was the fact that she doesn’t have the best lighting in her home, and that was making her nervous., as her branding is clean and light Thanks to the feedback from our group about getting some new content on her site, she decided to dive in and do her session with me, and I am so glad we did! We used the natural lighting and got some pretty incredible photos of her home.

I pulled this quote from her questionarire because I feel like it gives a great picture of who she is as an organizer:
Composed Living focuses on creating simple, sustainable solutions that are easy to maintain. We focus less on purchasing products and more on repurposing existing belongs and creating solutions that make sense for our clients. It doesn’t always have to look like Pinterest in order to be functional.
I wanted to get her the images before I saw her at our group the next day, because I wanted to see her reaction in person! When I saw her, she said she didn’t sleep at all the night before because she couldn’t stop looking at all the beautiful images. I did send them right around 10pm, lol, so that’s understandable!
Her email to me, ‘Krista! I’m dying. I don’t want to go to sleep because I just want to look at all the gorgeous pics. Thank you thank you thank you. I will wander the streets of LA telling everyone to hire you immediately. See you in the morning! “
To have a successful photoshoot, one that you feel good about, you need to find someone that takes the extra time to help build your confidence and put you at ease. I have to say, I think we are just the team for the job! With our hands-on direction, guidance and encouragement we easily help our client’s overcome any uneasy feelings about being photographed, and turn it into a fun and thrilling shoot! See how our hands-on direction can help you shine.
We had so much fun shooting with Elsa, and we hope that if you need an organizer, she is your new go-to!