Heehee! I giggle every time I look at the super fun images from Kelsey’s Dr. Seuss baby shower! If you try and tell me the Cat-in-the-Hat doesn’t make you smile, there is NO WAY I’m believing you! From the bright colors to the insanely creative invitation all the way down to those incredibly designed cookies, this baby shower has me grinning ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat – wait, wrong story! Back to this Seuss-inspired baby shower!
Η ταδαλαφίλη απεκκρίνεται κυρίως ως ανενεργοί μεταβολίτες, κυρίως στα κόπρανα (περίπου 61% της δόσης) και σε μικρότερο βαθμό στα ούρα (περίπου 36% της δόσης). Δισκία των 2,5 mg και 5 mg Η κάθαρση της ταδαλαφίλης από το στόμα είναι 2,5 l/h. Η φαρμακοκινητική της ταδαλαφίλης dynatoarseniko σε υγιή άτομα είναι γραμμικά ανάλογη του χρόνου και της δόσης. Αυξάνοντας τη δόση από 2,5 mg έως 20 mg, η έκθεση (AUC) αυξάνεται ανάλογα με τη δόση. Οι συγκεντρώσεις σταθερής κατάστασης στο πλάσμα επιτυγχάνονται σε διάστημα 5 ημερών μετά από μία εφάπαξ δόση. Η φαρμακοκινητική του φαρμάκου είναι παρόμοια σε ασθενείς με και χωρίς στυτική δυσλειτουργία. Ξεχωριστές ομάδες ασθενών. Σε υγιείς ηλικιωμένους ασθενείς (≥65 ετών)
This was such a unique shower with loads of laughter and off-the-chain creativity. Between all the bold colored details and the crazy tights worn by the mother of the mommy-to-be, this has to be THE brightest and most colorful baby shower I have had the pleasure of photographing. How could it not be with a theme like Dr. Seuss?
Details Details really took this Dr. Seuss baby shower to the next level. From the technicolored escort card table to the beautiful bold flowers and, oohh – those adorable colored chairs, the focus on details. Did I mention how much fun it was to photograph?
Doesn’t our mommy-to-be look stunning? She is wearing that baby bump like a momma boss! I love it!
Oh, and check out grandma-to-be and her super fun red and stripped tights to go along with the Dr. Seuss theme.
Too cute! Let me tell you, this outfit fits grandma perfectly. She loves her bright colors and it shines in her joyous personality.
The bond between these two ladies is just beautiful. While mommy-to-be may not be as outgoing, I could tell she cherishes her mom tremendously and is thrilled to have such an amazing role model as she heads into motherhood.
The love that was flowing in that room was heartwarming and the speeches were, of course, a little funny. I mean, what kind of party would it be without some good old laughs? Grandma-to-be was the perfect hostess! She did an amazing job balancing the shower with the perfect amount of talking, game playing, and, of course, eating!
Thank you so much Kathy and Kelsey for inviting me in to tell your story. I can’t wait to see the lucky, little bundle of joy!
Coordinator: Jeannie Savage, Details Details // Assistant: Samantha, Details Details // Venue: The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel // Floral Designer, Chairs, Linens, Rental Furniture: Nisie // Photographer: Krista Mason