{griffin | beach | portrait}


May 15, 2013

I can’t tell you how proud I am of the lovely Carolyn! She entered a body building contest a few months back and had been training her booty off for months. Man, does she have some will power and is such an inspiration. I would see her faceboook feeds everyday about her workouts (sometimes multiple) and her strict diet. She stuck too it and looks amazing. Can you believe she is a mom of two! WOW! After she had been training for some time she asked me to take some pictures of her on the beach before her competition to document her hard work and well of course to show off her amazing body. The week before the competition she toughed the cold and wind of the beach and we got some amazing images. For those of you wondering she placed 3rd in Master’s 35+ and 4th in Bikini Class D, 4th in the Open class (against 20 year olds)!! Whoo Hoo, you rocked it girl!

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