Our porch sessions have been a huge success and I wanted to give a huge shout out to you for how grateful I am and how much you have touched my heart!! I can’t express the joy these sessions have brought to me, seeing you all come together, support each other and share your family love and connections with me! It’s been the highlight of my days! And we can all use that right now for sure!
I have noticed that the porch sessions are taking a shift as we continue in these ‘stay safe at home’ times to a mix of #quarantineIRL and fun family portraits and we are so happy to see that!
I am so thrilled to provide this service to our community and wanted to share with you our new porch session offerings!
Front Porch Session – Phase 2 | $150
15-20 minute documentary portraits from your front door, porch, steps, lawn or window.
This is your chance to be creative, fun and a reminder of how times were as we all stayed “Safer-at-Home”. That means come as you want! Wanna dress up and apply make-up for the first time in 2 months? Go for it! Want to document your sweatpant, lounge, no shower, work-from-home living? Want to get fully dressed up for some glam shots? Let’s do it! It’s a time to have fun and capture this moment in history!
You will receive your select 25 photographs via online gallery and you are free to share and print, while allowing me to create this work and share it on my website, social networks and in printed materials.
The sessions are at 10+ feet distance and take about 15 minutes.
Want your own Quarantine Home photos?
If you’d like to take part in our #QuarantineIRLsessions here are the details. We are offering them until June 30th!
Email krista@kristamason.com or DM me on IG at @kristamasonphotography to set up your own session or to pay it forward to a loved one.