To tell you the truth, when these sessions were first pitched to me by some fellow friends and entrepreneurs, I wasn’t sure how I felt about them. I honestly didn’t think they were for me or anyone in my community would be interested. But boy was I wrong.
Not only are these sessions highly received with-in my community, but it was something that brought me and these families more joy and hope than I could ever imagine.
It Took Me By Surprise
First off, the universe really had my back on this one. As a matter of fact, it hit me upside the head several times. I started my morning with a meditation that ended with the mantra “I am ready and open with my inner success to allow and accept all the universe has been holding onto for me” That day I had 4 completely different encounters with people from different areas of my life presenting to me these porch sessions, yet I still resisted, lol.
YUP! I didn’t think my community would be interested. As a matter of fact I thought they would actually frown upon them. To top it off, it’s a little outside my normal posed and beautified style of photography. But after the universe hit me upside the head for 4th time, I started to think about how I could offer these sessions to my community, still not sure of how people would receive them during this uncertain and scary time.
I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I changed my mind. Not only did it bring life and joy back into my world, but it was a much welcomed break and creative outlet for my community as well. Friends, collegues and strangers of the like have really taken an interest.
The Reaction – Love and Kindness
My heart was full watching and capturing how these families came together during this time, what they were doing to get through the “stay home” quarantine and how they wanted not just a memory from these times but a little change in their daily routine – even if only for 5-10 minutes. I felt joy from the moment I picked up the camera and was able to provide to them something they otherwise might not be able to capture. Something they can documents and help explain to their grandkids in 40-60 years what 2020 felt like.
What I saw wasn’t sadness or fear but love and joy and gratitude, laughs and families being together in a real life scary situation. Communities supporting each other and human kindness. And that not only brought me joy, but humbled me and brings tears to my eyes as I think about our current COVID-19 situations. There are no words for how that feels to be able to provide such a service to people and I am honored that I am able to do so.
Everyone’s life has been turned upside down in different ways. It has been such an honor to capture these moments and what real life quarantine has been like for everyone. There is so much meaning and feeling within these sessions and it’s different for each home. I am loving that I am able to capture these real life moments and bring those moments to life for all of my community!
I love that our families came as they are, in what they have been wearing and living in these past two weeks. No makeup, no fancy clothes, just real life, some in PJs, some in yoga pants and some in the shirt they have worn in and slept in for the past three days. Never in a million years would I think this would be something that would bring me joy and purpose in photographing, but it has and I am so grateful to the families that allowed me to capture them in their authentic real life coronavirus, COVID-19, quarantine.
Want your own Quarantine IRL photos?
So if you’d like to take part in these #QuarantineIRLsessions here are the details. We are offering them when and where we can until this is all over or until we can’t.
Email krista@kristamason.com or DM me on IG at @kristamasonphotography to set up your own session or to pay it forward to a loved one. The sessions are at 10+ feet distance, take about 5-10 minutes. Love to you all.