National Small Business Month!


May 2, 2024

This Small Business Month, I’m turning the spotlight inward! I’m feeling all kinds of fired up this Small Business Month! Why? Because not only am I celebrating the incredible women entrepreneurs I get to work with every day, but I’m also celebrating my own journey fueled by a passion for empowering women entrepreneurs through the power of visual storytelling.

From Capturing Love Stories to Building Brand Empires

My love affair with photography began in high school, and there was never a doubt in my mind – I wanted to capture people’s stories. My love affair with photography started way back then, and for years, weddings were my jam, a chance to document the magic of love and new beginnings. But as I evolved, I realized a different kind of connection was calling to me.

The pandemic served as a chance for change. To keep my photography dreams alive while events were on hold, I entered into the world of brand photography, and it felt like a homecoming. Here, I could still use my storytelling skills, but this time, to empower women entrepreneurs. Through strategic consultations, brainstorming sessions, and creative photoshoots, I collaborate with clients to craft a captivating visual identity. From headshots that radiate confidence to product shots that showcase meticulous detail, every image is carefully crafted to tell a unique brand story.

Building a Brand My Journey: It Wasn’t Always Sunshine and Rainbows (But There Were Definitely Cute Schnauzers!)

The path hasn’t always been smooth. There were moments of self-doubt, stubborn streaks that almost held me back, and the ever-present challenge of embracing change. But through it all, I’ve learned to celebrate the small wins alongside the big ones. From being voted “Best Wedding Photographer” to magazine features to landing dream clients and rocking my first speaking gig this year (whoop whoop!), every milestone is a badge of honor.

This year, my values of flexibility, connection, abundance, fun, and creativity guide every step I take. I’m constantly seeking ways to refine my approach, always striving to create a space where women entrepreneurs feel comfortable, confident, and empowered to embrace their power.

Why Brand Photography for Women Entrepreneurs?

Your brand is your story, your vision, your heart and soul poured into your service and products. with brand photography, we get to capture that essence, that fire that burns within you. We use strategic planning, brainstorming sessions that’ll get your creative juices flowing, and photoshoot sessions that are all about fun and fierce energy. The result? A collection of stunning visuals that showcase your brand personality, from confidence-radiating headshots to fun energetic lifestyle that shows your personality. It’s all about crafting a visual narrative that magnetically attracts your ideal clients, the ones who are ready to say “YES” to what you offer!

But this week isn’t just about us. We want to shine a light on the incredible women who make up the vibrant Los Angeles small business community. Krista Mason Photography isn’t a solo act! We’re part of a thriving community of incredible women entrepreneurs, and this Small Business Month, we want to celebrate them! Stay tuned as we feature their stories and the amazing things they offer. Or, come join our community and meet them for yourself!

Ready to Show the World Your Brand Story?

So, are you a woman-owned small business ready to level up your visual game? Let’s chat! We can collaborate to create images that will stop your ideal clients dead in their scroll and have them saying “Heck yes, I need what she’s offering!”

In the Meantime, Let’s Connect!

What are your biggest wins and challenges as a small business owner? How do you think visuals can elevate your brand? Spill the tea in the comments below! And hey, since we’re all about community, share your favorite hidden gem in LA.

P.S. Did I mention I have the cutest mini schnauzers ever? Their names are Francie and Abby, and they’re basically my spirit animals. But that’s a story for another day! Happy Small Business Month!!!


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