Senior Portrait Session Los Angeles


April 25, 2024

There’s been a new trend lately for my high school senior portrait sessions, those lifestyle shots where it’s more than just the posed yearbook look. The ones that show personality, fun, and who your senior is as they transition into adulthood. BUT as an added twist, the new trend is that they’ve been adding on family portrait sessions, and I am loving is so much that I created a special package for it!

We started off with family portraits. Thankfully it was a short session, as it turns out the youngest daughter was sick (I know you can’t tell, she did a great job holding it together and smiling). We were all doing our best to make her comfortable and she knew it would be fast! Since we got those out of the way, the rest of the family was able to head home, but our senior and mom stayed for the rest.

We had 4 looks and it was a blast! I like to get to know my seniors before their sessions: their interests, personalities, likes and dislikes. It’s their time to shine and I always make sure to cover photos for both them and for mom. You all know what I’m talking about. The nice smile with a bit of artisticness for mom and maybe the yearbook, and then the fun goofy, let loose ones for our senior, whatever their personality may be.

This is the photo that Rya chose for her yearbook photo!

If you have a senior graduating (or are a senior yourself, hi!), I would love to work with your family and capture not only the senior session, but create a lasting timestamp of this time of your life. Inquire here!


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